Asteroid belt

美 [ˈæstərɔɪd belt]英 [ˈæstərɔɪd belt]
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Asteroid beltAsteroid belt
  1. The two bodies are the most massive objects in the asteroid belt .


  2. And four times further than the asteroid belt .


  3. Today I 'm going to talk about how the asteroid belt was discovered .


  4. Not just one thing , but all the objects found at that distance form the asteroid belt .


  5. The Upper Boundary of Mass for An Imaginary Planet in the Main Asteroid Belt


  6. Large meteorites actually come from the asteroid belt .


  7. When Mars and the asteroid belt is inhabited , they will speak Chinese .


  8. That 's how the asteroid belt was discovered .


  9. Ok , Let 's get going , today I 'm going to talk about how the asteroid belt was discovered .


  10. It is the first probe to enter orbit around an object in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter .


  11. The asteroid belt is between Jupiter and Mars .


  12. I first visited Dr. Black 's Astronomy class -- back to Galileo , had just visited the Asteroid Belt .


  13. This is the interpretation of a team of scientists who discovered that asteroids in the Asteroid Belt are missing .


  14. To be nominally but not actually independent ; no one actually saw the shark ; large meteorites actually come from the asteroid belt .


  15. When it was first discovered , Antiope was cast aside , considered to be no different from countless other small objects orbiting within the asteroid belt .


  16. Because a few dozen of the meteorites that have fallen to earth come not from the asteroid belt but from Mars .


  17. Most asteroids can be found in an asteroid belt between Marsand Jupiter were they orbit the sun .


  18. This massive dish in Puerto Rico can function as a radar transmitter , bouncing a signal off nearby targets like Mercury and the asteroid belt .


  19. You see , this rare find , orbiting within the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars , is a binary system ( also known as a " double asteroid " ) .


  20. According to new observations , it can be proved quantitatively that a mode of eight major planets of the Solar System is a symmetrical structure : four terrestrial planets and the asteroid belt ;


  21. In this review on the bases of knowing data we summarized the classification of meteorite groups , cosmic-ray ages of the different meteorite types from asteroid belt , Moon and Mars .


  22. The object , dubbed P / 2010 A2 , orbits the sun well within the main asteroid belt , according to observations taken as part of the Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research sky survey .


  23. Relatively near the sun and inner solar system , between Jupiter and Mars to be precise , we 've got the asteroid belt , which contains about 90 percents of all asteroids orbiting the sun .


  24. Rosetta caught up with the Steins Asteroid Friday night in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter .


  25. Both this asteroid and the latest discovery are found in the asteroid belt that sits between Mars and Jupiter .
